Ricard Balada | CV
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2025 | KILLDER – Directed by Joan Ramón Armadàs

2024 | EL CAS ÀNGELUS. LA FASCINACIÓ DE DALÍ – Directed by Joan Frank Charansonnet

2022 | TEORIA DELS COSSOS – Dir. Joan Ramón Armadàs


00Starring by Nicolas Cage with Pedro Pascal, Neil Patrick Harris and Paco León.

00International premiere in SXSW (Austin)

2019 | TERRA DE TELERS. Directed by Joan Frank Charansonnet

2018 | EL LEGADO EN LOS HUESOS. Directed by Fernando González Molina

2017 | ROADS. Directed by Sebastian Schipper

00International premiere in TriBeCa Film Festival (New York)

2017 | EL PATI I LA LLUNA. Directed by Santiago Lapeira

2017 | DRÁCULA DE DENISE CASTRO Directed by Denise Castro

2016 | SALVACIÓN. Directed by Denise Castro

00International premiere in Sitges International Film Festival 2016

2014 | NATASHA. Directed by Sandeep Raisinghani

00Award of Merit from Indie Fest Film Awards 2014



2023 | Documentary BATHTUBS. Taskscape Media. Directed by Theodore Simmons

2023 | DOSIS. Costea Films & La Magia Negra Producciones. Directed by Jorge Laffond

2022 | TEMPESTA. Tandem Films. Directed by JR Armadàs

2021 | Music video ES URGENTE. Californio Records. Directed by Alex Aguera

2021 | 60 SEGONS. DIBACat y Tandem. Directed by JR Armadàs

2019 | UN SILENCI ABSOLU. Inside Us Films. Directed by Sophie Venecia

2019 | Music video MY MOTHER’S DATING A VAMPIRE Directed by Denise Castro

00Song for “The Lost Boys” by Oblique & C. Bayona

2018 | RULETA. Glez Producciones. Directed by Berry Espinosa

2017 | PARALLELISM. Escac Films. Directed by Carlos Cobos

2017 | NOOK. Escac Films. Directed by Carlos Villafaina

2016 | BAD BEAT. AJ Contraplano. Directed by Oriol Montoliu

2014 | LES DA IGUAL. Bande à part. Directed by Daniel Zapatrin

2014 | MIMMETU. ECIB. Directed by Albert Masferrer

2013 | ORDEN. Visual Group Films. Directed by Jordi Castejón

2012 | Webserie ÉCHAME UN CABLE. Directed by Chuso del Campo

00In Antena3 tv website called “El sótano” 


2023 | A MUERTE by Atresplayer, Sábado Películas and PlayTime. Directed by Dani de la Orden

2023 | Presenter at the Premios St. Jordi de Cinematografía by RTVE (National TV). Dir. María Eizaguirre

2022 | 6th season – OH MY GOIG by betevé (Btv). Directed by Aïda Torrent

2021 | ¡GARCÍA! by HBOMax and Zeta Studios. Directed by Eugenio Mira

2021 | 5th season – OH MY GOIG by betevé (Btv). Directed by Aïda Torrent

2020 | 4th season – OH MY GOIG by betevé (Btv). Directed by Aïda Torrent

2019 | Pilot MOROS A LA COSTA!. Muchos Pájaros Producciones. Directed by Imanol García

2019 | 3rd season – Serie OH MY GOIG by betevé (Btv). Directed by Aïda Torrent

2018 | COM SI FOS AHIR by TV3 (Televisió de Catalunya). Directed by Sònia Sánchez

2018 | 5 MINUTS TARD by betevé (Btv). Directed by Alberto Dexeus

2017-18 | 2nd season – OH MY GOIG by betevé (Btv). Directed by Aïda Torrent

2016-17 | 1st season – OH MY GOIG by betevé (Btv). Directed by Aïda Torrent


2018-20 + 2022 | CAPULLOS QUE VUELAN. Teatro Lara (Madrid)

00Writed and directed by Lluís Mosquera.

2018 | ACASTOS. ¿PARA QUÉ SIRVE EL TEATRO?. Teatro María Guerrero (Madrid)

by Iris Murdoch & directed by Ernesto Caballero.

2017 | MÁS ALLÁ DE VERONA. Porta 4 (Barcelona)

00Writed by Eduardo Vara. Directed by Albert Pueyo.

2017 | AMOR EN VENA. Microteatre Barcelona. Writed and directed by Daniel Noblom.

2016 | NO ESTAMOS SOLOS. Microteatre Barcelona. Writed and directed by Manuel Mira.

2016 | TE QUIERO by Sergi Portabella. Microteatre Barcelona. Dir: Laura Yuste

2014-16 | BLANCANIEVES. Cia. Magatzem d’Ars. Teatreneu. Dir: Albert Pueyo

2015-16 | CAPERUCITA Y EL LOBO. Cia. Magatzem d’Ars. Tour Catalonia. Dir: Albert Pueyo

2014-15 | MY ENGLISH FRIENDS. Cia. Open Theatre. Tour Spain. Dir: Albert Pueyo

2014-15 | THE WIZARD OF OZ. Cia. Open Theatre. Tour Spain. Dir: Albert Pueyo

2014 | LA ISLA DEL TESORO. Cia. Magatzem d’Ars. Teatro Musical de Valencia. Dir: Albert Pueyo


2024 | Accent Reduction Level II with Jon Sperry

2024 | Acting in English with Camilla-Valentine Isola

2023 | Accent Reduction Level I with Jon Sperry

2023 | Alexander Technique with Jean-Louis Rodrigue and Kistof Konrad

2021 | Técnica Chubbuck with Ernesto Domínguez

2020 | International Training for Actors in Frankstein Studio

2019 | International casting with Kimberly Graham

2019 | Preparation for international casting with Luci Lenox

2019 | Casting internationally with Rose Wicksteed

2018 | International masterclass with Bernard Hiller (London)

2017 | Audition and film acting intensive course with Nancy Bishop

2017 | Casting workshop course with Juan Pablo Rincón

2017 | International masterclass with Bernard Hiller (Madrid)

2017 | Art of audition, the business of the art with Paul Weber

2015-17 | Acting in English with Luci Lenox at Frankestein Studio

2012-16 | Acting at Nancy Tuñón-Jordi Oliver Studio

2016 | Kepping it alive and real on screen with Mel Churcher

2015 | Acting Progress in camera with Daniel Sesé

2015 | Accent Training Course in English with Stevie Rickard

2013-15 | Spanish diction classes by Raquel Carballo

2013-14 | Catalan diction classes by Araceli Bruch

2010 | Acting at Col·legi del Teatre (CTB)


Spanish (native)

Catalan (native)

English (fluent)


Car driving license



